Hi everyone! I just got back from vacation in sunny (or mostly cloudy) San Francisco. We had an awesome time and walked sooo much because we didn't have a car.
On the first full day of our vacation, we visited Golden Gate Park, which was only a block from where we were staying. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a West Coast girl at heart, but I liked it much more than I liked Central Park in New York. The whole place just looked so forest-y that I really couldn't contain myself. We also ventured to Haight Ashbury (which is next to the park, if you're interested) and walked around the streets for a while. The Mr. and I couldn't believe that they were selling $45 tie-dyed t-shirts, that's freakin' outrageous! Note to self: start a tye-dye t-shirt company and make tons of money. On our journey through Haight Ashbury, we stopped and had a look at the Greatful Dead house, if they ever need anyone to move in, I'll gladly sacrifice.
Coincidentally, this weekend was Pride, which is the gay pride extravaganza that goes on every year. Even though we didn't plan on going to SF during one of the most exciting weekends of the year, we definitely felt that we needed to take advantage of the festivities (and boy, are we glad we did). We started at the Civic Center, which is where the "festival" takes place, where we saw tons of interesting and un-clothed people. Then, we continued up the parade route and watched the whole thing. There were all sorts of floats and costumes (some of them were barely there) and we definitely learned some interesting things about our world. We even learned about a company that rents "lawn-mowing" goats, which I suppose is a greener alternative to a gas mower.
We continued down the road and hit both Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf. We had lunch on the patio at The Hard Rock Cafe and then visited the Musee Mecanique, which is an arcade filled with turn of the century arcade games. After the Musee, we stopped by Ben & Jerry's to have some delicious low-fat blueberry ice cream.
And. . . for the good and bad news. I had to weigh in early because I left Thursday night, which gave brought me down to 165.0! Unfortunately, I weighed again this morning to face the facts and found that I gained 3.6 pounds. Really? How could I have gained that much? So, even though I had a great time on my trip, I'm not sure that it was worth it in the WW department.
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